


옥스팜 소개

About Oxfam

Oxfam is an international emergency and development organization founded in 1942 in Oxford, UK. Ever since, Oxfam has been providing the most practical and innovative ways for humanitarian response including water, sanitation and food distribution, and has been cooperating with local governments and international organizations to tackle the poverty and to lead meaningful changes in structure and policy level.

Oxfam’s vision and purpose

Our vision is creating ‘a just world without poverty’. Oxfam’s purpose is to help create lasting solutions to the injustice of poverty. We work internationally for emergency response, international development programs, and campaigns to challenge the structural causes of the injustice of poverty and to make people empowered. Globally, 26,000 staffs of Oxfam are now on the frontline of fighting poverty with their expertise.

  • 적극적인 시민

    Active Citizen

    When people have the power to claim their basic human rights, they can escape poverty – permanently. This core belief underpins our development programs in more than 90 countries. With our partners, allies and with local communities, we help people to claim rights for themselves.

  • 생명 살리기

    Save Lives

    When disaster strikes, we are there. We help people caught up in natural disasters and conflict. We typically provide clean water, food and sanitation in disaster zones. As far as we can, we strive to ensure that civilians are protected too. We also seek to reduce the risk to poor people of future disasters after the immediate crisis is over.

  • 식량공급

    Global Food Supplies

    To stop people going hungry, we work to secure global food supplies so that people always have enough to eat. Already, almost a billion of us go to bed hungry every night. Not because there isn't enough. But because of the deep injustice in the way the food system works. We can GROW in a better way – one that contributes much more to human wellbeing.

  • 공정한 자원 분배

    Fairer Share of Natural Resources

    Natural resources are vital for prosperity and poor people are often not getting their fair share. This situation is worsened by the impacts of climate change that the international community is failing to address properly. We lobby governments, international organizations and corporations for fairer land policies and action on climate change.

  • 기본적인 삶의 영위를 위한 재정지원

    Money for Basic Service

    Being able to access basic services such as health and education is essential to people’s well-being and to human development. We push to secure adequate financial flows to sustain basic services for poor people.

  • 여성 인권 옹호

    Equal Rights for Women

    Human development is driven by empowered women. But women and girls are still massively under represented and often oppressed. We work to help them speak out and demand justice, and to assert their leadership. The right to gender justice underpins all of our work.

Oxfam’s solution

  • Humanitarian

  • Development

  • Campaigning and advocacy

The difference we made

Last year, we supported 15.5 million people through emergency relief, poverty eradication, women's protection and climate justice.

  • 11.5 million

    11.5 million

    We carry out humanitarian emergency relief activities for survival and reconstruction, focusing on local communities facing sudden disasters and crises.

  • 1.1 million

    1.1 million

    We provide livelihood support, including drinking water, shelter, sanitation facilities, and food rations, to areas experiencing famine due to climate change and war.

  • 0.6 million

    0.6 million

    We are carrying out education, livelihood, and welfare activities to strengthen the capabilities of women, who account for 70% of the world's poor.

  • 0.42 million

    0.42 million

    We build community systems through climate response programs to tackle the climate crisis that has a greater impact on poor countries.

*based on 2022.04 – 2023.03

Oxfam has been using all the donation transparently and efficiently.
Oxfam conforms to the relevant acts and regulations based on fairness and responsibility, and leads changes in the fields worldwide by managing donation efficiently.

Oxfam GB’s Annual Report Oxfam Korea’s Annual Report